Originally Posted by tom6433
i had to do a flash dance last night and then reflashed this rom. i don't know what happened but after about 2 weeks it kept hanging and the KB would act like a key was held in all the time. so i would be typing and i would get something like thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss but it wouldn't stop, so soft reset. opera kept hanging as well. sometimes the sms tone would not go off. the main issue i had was when using the hardware kb in replying to a text sometimes i would not work causing me to have to use the onscreen one. the kb would work elsewhere on the phone just fine, but i use my phone 90% of the time for texting so it got to be annoying quick.
i like opera 10 but is there any way to get it to not be recognized as a mobile device? i don't see it as an option in settings.
anyone get mms to work?
Sounds like your keyboard is going out. Same thing happened to me while my Grandma was here on vacation. We were at Graceland and my keyboard would behave like yours. Eventually it just totally quit working. You can try squeezing down where the spacebar is and possibly re-seat the ribbon cable that plugs into it. But why fix it? You lucky bastard, your phone is defective! You might just get upgraded to a Touch Pro 2! Head to your local store and see what they say. Good luck and let us know what happens!