Hey NRGZ28,
Love your rom, great work!
I'm a big fan of NSFAN's roms and used them until I upgraded to a TP2. I was worried about finding a rom that I liked as much as his until I found yours!!! So thanks again!!
Wanted to give you some feedback on battery life....I started with the EnergyRom 09.Nov.2009 (21864) and have been using it since around Nov. 10th. It worked great but the battery life was horrible (I disabled inet push, mail push, etc..still no good). I had to charge my phone every night to have enough battery for the next day. Over thanksgiving I thought I would try mightyrom. The battery life was even worse! LOL! So I went to your EnergyROM_28008_RHOD500_02.Dec.2009_Standard...Cou ldn't even get it to load, the today screen was all whacked out and would freeze up...then I went to EnergyROM_21877_RHOD500_27.Nov.2009_Standard.rar.. .Noticed it runs much faster and the battery life is incredible! I went through the entire day and had 70% of my battery still available. So far haven't had any issues with this rom. Will keep you up to date if I run into any!! Again thanks a lot for the great work! =D>