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Old 12-04-2009, 02:51 AM
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Re: VoiceCommand PATCHED to 1.6.28002 (Cab Inside)

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
Ok after fooling around with a bunch of ROMs I learned that Calkulin's Kitchen ROM had the best VoiceCommand, where hang up over Bluetooth worked perfectly. But I decided to go with Energy 28008 ROM for now. But Energy ROM's don't inlcude any VoiceCommand (sad but true). So folks on Energy ROM's have been using a very old Voice Command CAB file MSVC 1.6.21040.CAB. So this is my attempt to resolve this. It has only been tested on Energy 28008 ROM.

I extracted almost all the files from Calkulins ROM for Voice command and Stuffed them into a ZIP file. I skipped GIFs, and Sample Music that is in the VoiceCommand CAB.

I then "Patched" a 21040 Voice Command Cab file with only 4 of the files (the core EXE, DLL's and BlueTooth file). It seems to be working great. These are the files I replaced in the CAB. I did not test all features only the ones I care about (Calling and Contacts).


I've uploaded 3 files. The CAB I patched, the ZIP file with all VoiceCommand files from Calkulin's ROM and the orginal 21040 CAB I started with.

If someone finds a problem with other voice command features you can try patching more files on your own ROM by just copying them over (from the zip) or by patching the CAB files further. If you do want to experiment by just copying files over, make sure you shutdown VoiceCommand. To start over just uninstall Voice Command and reinstall.

If a chef wants to use this, I would advise you ask Calkulin if there is a cleaner way to lift VoiceCommand from his kitchen and make a real CAB from it or how ever you share kitchen components.

I named the file purposely funky so as not to get confused with a real 28002 VoiceCommand CAB should one come along some day. If you partially patch it further use another funky name because this is a hack and some day we hopefully will get a real cab without a funky name.

Using the Patched CAB is completely reversable by just uninstalling it.

If someone finds another file that should be critically patched in the patch cab I can recab it. PM me.

I should also mention I don't know how well this will work on a ROM with Voice Command Cooked in. It's mostly for folks that are using the old MSVC CAB for some of the ROMs. But it may work on ROMs with Voice Command cooked in. If it won't install try just copying the 4 files in the ZIP file into \windows with VoiceCommand shutdown (they are in the PATCH folder, you'll see what I mean when you open zip).
The cpl may be dependent for on 6.5.x roms. If you try to use the newer cpl with the 21882 sys it will not show up. However, you can use the old cpl and all the other newer files and it works. It just reports in the cpl that it is v1.6.21859, even though, we all now the files are newer, just need to hex the older cpl. =P

Below is the older cpl hexed to show the newer v 1.6.28002
Attached Files
File Type: zip (25.0 KB, 194 views) Click for barcode!
Two Evo's 3D's Running CleanROM 1.2 -8/12/11
BaseBand | PRI 1.16_003 | PRL 21080 |HWv002
If I helped you, please hit the button.

Last edited by mikee4fun; 12-04-2009 at 03:12 AM.
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