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Old 12-03-2009, 09:24 PM
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Re: Any easy/quck way to make a playlist in windows media player? Or specife what fol

Originally Posted by eksasol View Post
...CorePlayer...cost a bit though...
Yeah, like $30! Awfully steep, but very powerful player with tons of modifications possible for those who can write code. Trouble is, there's no trial version, and not much of a support site. I've gone instead with Pocket Player, which has a 1 month free trial, $20 after that. Here's how you can control it's library, notice you can specify what folder(s) to scan:

Another player I use for my ever changing current fave tunes is PocketMusic, because of how easy it is to create, edit, and save playlists. You can do so perfectly well without wasting any time on PM's library at all, very fast. So this is one you, Ranchosteve, might want to consider, especially if you have ever used WinAmp. PM is like a pocket edition of Winamp. There's a very full featured version available for free, here:

Hope this helps, MrG

Last edited by MrGoodtunes; 12-03-2009 at 09:27 PM.
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