Re: Do you think omnia 2 is losing its hype??
went to the vzw store and played with an o2 this afternoon, they didn't have one on display, but they did go nab one out of the backroom. so i saw it from the virgin boot, doesn't boot as fast as mine, but there is no way it could, sammy doesn't have the loving chefs that made the o1 the slick device we all love.
even with the shipped screen cover in place, this one has a better touch factor than the original omnia. it wasn't as flickable as mine, but once I got rid of the chirps and buzzes when you touched the screen, it was better. the touchwiz was nowhere as bad as gizmodo made it out to be, but they are a bunch of appletards after all.
all in all, I was impressed enough to call vzw when I got home and ordered one of my own.
research is imperative to good results. or you could just rip into it.