Originally Posted by 12Marshall
The only thing that hasn't.... i tried to install a custom taskbar of the tsowen variety and it ruined the buttons at the bottom of the screen. An uninstall and reinstall did not fix it, nor did a theme change.
Has anyone else experienced this with custom taskbars?
Is there a workaround?
Better yet does anyone have a link or two to taskbars that have worked? I'm not married to any of them.
I'm looking for the same thing. From what I've been able to gather the taskbar icons are embedded in various system modules, so if you install a set of icons that were intended for a different version of WM it will more than likely make a mess of things.
So you need taskbar icons specific to WM6.5.3 (i.e. the 28xxxx series)... and I haven't had any luck finding any yet.