Originally Posted by gazorp
Yes. I realy mean AVRCP.
If you are telling me that neither the default music app nor pandora are working with AVRCP then this explains my problem. Those are the two only two music apps i use. I will look into tunewiki though and test it out.
Does avrcp implemented in the apps individually? I thought it would work more universally, like a media key on a keyboard...
I've done some more digging. I saw that in TuneWiki's setting there was a setting called Enable Headset Button. It says "Use wired and wireless headset buttons in TuneWiki instead of the default player." and it was checked on.
When I turned that setting off and retried Music then my S9 buttons control Music!
I retried Pandora without success and noticed that Music was still being paused and played instead. However, when I made sure both Music and TuneWiki were not running (I terminated them), then Pandora paused and played via the S9 button!
Moral of the story? I think they are all capable but they fight with each other over who is in control.
Of course, this doesn't answer why your S9's aren't controlling anything properly however this might give you something to go on.
(PS It probably doesn't matter but my S9's are the HD model)