Originally Posted by dishe
Are you implying that her response made sense on a technical level?
Please- there is no technical reason for this to be difficult. I think Windows Mobile is just not a priority anymore because it has dropped in popularity lately.
Just about all of her "points" seem misinformed to me- WM is perfectly capable of playing AAC+... if it wasn't, I wouldn't have been able to play AAC+ shoutcast streams in my car for the last 4 years!
Hardware differences? Inherent incompatibility in the OS? Please- I have an app I helped develop in PPC 2003 that still works fine on 6.5 (although it could use some UI changes for the Touch Pro 2 because it is expecting a D-pad to navigate)...
There is absolutely no technical reason for this not to be possible. WM is more than capable, and there is very little that is device specific.
In all honesty, the tweakers here and on XDA have proved that the old app is perfectly functional. The only thing wrong with it is that the darned thing's UI is messed up because it was designed only for QVGA. All they need to do is a minor graphics change, and while they're at it change the stream to a proper AAC, or at least raise the bitrate for the current one (which is using mp3 I assume).
With the proper people working on it, this could realistically take about a week.
No, this IS VERY possible. They just don't seem interested because we're not as popular as Apple or WebOS. And I'm willing to bet the fact that Android app took a year wasn't because they were developing it for so long, but rather because Android wasn't popular enough to care about until a year later.
My statement had nothing to do directly with there response. You can't expect much other than a bull answer from companies. I just think if it was gonna be done, they would have put the effort in by now. The iPhone, pre, and android have it.