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Old 12-03-2009, 02:04 PM
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Re: What are you all using to make 6.5 themes?

I've attached the pngs of the bars that the PC version of Hdwalls can use to include the bars in the cab it creates as the final product.
what you will need to do:
1. open HDwalls on your PC
2. click load in the portrait mode (the default screen that pops up when you launch the program)
3. navigate to the folder you create for your hd walls on your desktop or in your documents. (I create a new folder for each new background so because HDwalls creates png clips for the top and bottom bars, as well as the thumbnail...more on the thumbnail below)
4. select the background you are going to use
5. click on auto crop and resize.
6. press close (at this point it will ask you if you want to set the output directory to the folder you navigated to. Click yes....This is why it's important to create a new folder for each hdwalls wallpaper you create because it stores all of the new files that it's going to create and use for the cab in this folder)
7. click on the "create cab"
8. check the box that says "include portrait wallpaper"
9. set the thumbnail size percent to 100
10. press convert
11. wait for it to convert
12. in your PC's file explorer replace my pngs provided here in the folder that your project resides. it will overwrite the task and softbar pngs that it just created with mine.
13. On the "create cab" menu where you see "folder browser" renavigate to the correct folder with your project in it. (this will refresh the files it will use to create the cab so that my bars are there instead of the ones for your wall paper)
14 press create cab.
15 load the cab and the the thumbnail (which has the default name "mywallpaper-P.jpeg") on your phones sd card in a file on the root named HDwalls
16. the first time you open the hdwalls app on your phone it will ask you to navigate to the folder where all of your hdwalls cabs are located then it will shut down.
17 reopen hdwalls on your phone.
18 select the wallpaper you want to install and press "set wallpaper"
19. it will install and close.
20 soft reset or turn your phone off and back on.
21 everything will be as it should.

one second i need to zip up the pngs I can't attach them here on ppcgeeks:done

good luck.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg whitestrandswithbars-P.jpg (113.8 KB, 27 views) Click for barcode!
Attached Files
File Type: cab (574.2 KB, 11 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip (54.2 KB, 25 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by wesscoggin; 12-03-2009 at 02:10 PM.
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