Originally Posted by OMJ
thx, I'll check it out
 ahhh, u should have said somethin....
np, I will probably continue w/ uploading EXTs to that folder as I add to my kitchen, as far ar the complete kitchen, instead of uploading the raw folders/files, I am going to zip them up individually, much easier & faster.
I'm using the ppcg ftp cuz it will allow browsing of folders on the ftp
I know that you are using calks kitchen base and adding in new SYS when they come out. Are you altering anything in the SYS and ROM folders to work with Sense 2.5? Reason I ask is that I built roms from your original kitchen using the SYS that were provided and things worked just fine, but when i tried to add SYS that da_reeseboy released, for some reason Sense would just cycle instead of starting. I will admit that i went through the VK and deselected all of the EXTs that said 'message' of some sorts in them so i could cook in the new PeopleMessage Client from Amarullz. Is that possibly what is causing manila not to boot? Otherwise im gonna just extract your kitchen again and add your new EXT package.