Originally Posted by DougZ
My first post- yay.
Just pulled the trigger on a TP2 on Saturday and had it Monday. I am on SERO but (was) without contract. My brother-in-law worked for Sprint and I had an Advantage Club plan (same as SERO but lower $$). Anyway, when he got laid off we had to switch to SERO 500 (account says SERO 500 F&F) but no contract.
When I upgraded (I was eligible) I got the TP2 for the crappy $349 after MIR and had to agree to a 2 yr contract but kept the $30 SERO plan.
I've read the yes, no, forget it threads of whether I can call Sprint and try to get any further discount especially since a) I am on a $30 sero plan and b) the sale is complete (but I'm obviously in my 30-day period)
Am I really wasting my time if I try to call them to get any kind of additional credit given the inconsistency of the phone's pricing between Sprint's offerings and even Verizon?
If I were to actually return the phone in the 30 day period and go back to my old phone (Moto Q9c) would that undo the 2 yr contract and "reset" everything to how it was before I called to order the TP2?
I will post the results of my calls to them but if anyone has any pointers/advice, etc that would be great. In reading these posts it seems to just be a hit-or-miss and being persistent can sometimes win in the end.
No, returning it will NOT undo everything. I tried to do the same thing after buying an LG Lotus last April, and was told by the rep that I will only get my money back on the phone itself, the contract will still be valid & unless I exchanged it for another new phone, I would also lose my upgrade discount. This is actually how I ended up with a TP1, lol...