Re: Proof that cracked and illegal software is slowing down mobile development
I agree that there's not much proof, but more of an opinion.
Warez exists on every platform, as others have said. Jailbreak your iPhone and there are sites where you can get cracked games/apps just like you can for WM.
As someone else mentioned, WM was originally geared towards business use only, just like Blackberry. You don't see many quality games for Blackberry either, not even the Storm that has a touchscreen and accelerometer. They figured business users don't need games and they just need functional apps, which is true. They probably don't care about aesthetics as much as functionality.
Also, WVGA devices are fairly new. There were none on the market a year ago. Just like the change from QVGA to VGA, it takes time. WVGA will get developed just as VGA has. That's another issue with WM. There's many different devices with different resolutions and different hardware specs. The iPhone doesn't have this. Its all the same in the eyes of the developers. Android will run into this issue too.
But it all falls back onto the fact that Android and the iPhone were designed around the casual user, not the business user. As WM moves in that direction and becomes more mainstream, this should change, hopefully, if WM7 is all its expected to be.