Originally Posted by marcjen
Ya, the little icon is the contact card icon, that's the button I'm pressing, nothing's happening.
It's not a feature I use a lot, so I'll probably live with it another week or so, the longest I've gone on one ROM is 2 weeks, I think yours is a week and I'll probable go at least another week. If that bug wasn't there, I don't think I'd have any reason to switch, it's that good!
Hmm I can't seem to reproduce the bug. I know this is probably asking a lot but can you maybe take a video of it and show me? If I have to I will use EveryWAN to take a video of my phone too. But it's the exact same dialer even OMJ uses in his 2.5 SenseUI ROM so IDK.
But thanks for the feedback. I think the one other bug is instead of saying 60% on the battery icon it says 59% but that's easily fixable I think.