by Musicman247 and Zyphlin
Please un-install any other Cube modifications you may have.
Edit 05-21-2008: is for all newer 3.## ROMs
Edit 12-16-2007: iCube on GSM Touch is now a reality! Simply follow these instructions:
Please manually install the "Files4GSM" into your Windows Directory. I find that Total Commander works well.
Then install the found here in this post.
WARNING! THIS (IF DONE CORRECTLY) WILL REPLACE APLauncher.exe, Biotouch.exe, and MediaHubMini with updated versions and add CustAPLauncher.exe Enjoy!
This must be installed to the device, so make sure you have around 9MB free.
These are also the install instructions for the TyTN II.
Edit 12-12-2007: Please re-install. A number of errors have arisen. I have re-posted the CAB with the fixes.
Edit 12-11-2007:
Version 1.10 is now up. This includes the previous bug fixes, plus adds the ability to change your icons on the 4th side through registry edits. This also allows the icon "blink animation" on the fourth side. BIG thanks to Kona_Mtbkr for making this possible! No un-install needed before installing this version
Edit 12-10-2007:
Version 1.01 is up. This fixes the bug where the File Explorer button would not work. you will find it attached to this post. You do not need to un-install the previous version before installing V1.01
In this CAB:
QuickDial has been skinned to match the theme.
Media Hub
1. Windows Media
2. Sprint TV
3. YouTube
App Launcher
1. Slide2Unlock Pro.....File Explorer.....Programs Menu
2. AccuWeather.........YouTube.........Clock
3. MS Money 2006......Calculator.......SMS
4. IM........................Pocket IE.......Windows Media
2nd App Launcher
1. Comm Manager........Calendar...........Tasks
2. Word Mobile............Excel Mobile.......Notes
3. Camera..................Camera Album....Live Search (updated version)
4. Mail.......................Pocket IE..........Windows Media
Here are the programs needed to make every button work as well as where you can download them (Install them to your device):
Slide2Unlock Pro:
MS Money 2006 for Mobile:
Here are the registry values and folders for the iCUbe:
HKLM>Software>HTC>Biotouch>CustAPLauncher>App0-App11 to change button settings on the 4th side.
HKLM>Software>HTC>Biotouch>APLauncher>App0-App11 to change button settings on the 3rd side.
Icons are found in: \My Documents\iCube\Icons
Animations are found in: \My Documents\iCube\Anim
Have fun!
Edit: Icon pack is now up.
All of these icons are already installed in the \My Documents\iCube\Icons directory, but I figured you'd like your own shot at them. Here they are, all 34 of them in BMP format, including a carbon fiber background so you can change the bottom icons as well.
here is a list of all icons included with the iCube CAB (no extra install needed, they're already there!). These are their acutal names, just add .brn after them, and _HL.brn for the highlighted versions. You'll also find the "hub" icons in there as well.
1. beam
2. calc
3. calendar
4. camera
5. clock
6. delete
7. dice
8. disc
9. discdown
10. excel
11. im
12. ipod
13. light
14. lock
15. mail
16. maps
17. money
18. nes
19. pages
20. pencil
21. phone
22. photos
23. reel
24. safari
25. search
26. settings
27. sms
28. stocks
29. tasks
30. terminal
31. tv
32. weather
33. word
34. wrench