Originally Posted by ahuskins
There is a registry edit for that if it doesn't automatically register as the default.
HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Shell > Rai >  EFBROWSER
0 = Opera Browser
1 = "Path to opera" - i.e. "\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\Opera10-armv4i.exe"
2 = 1
3 = 0
Don't knock it till you try it. SMS/MMS all work out of the box, at least it will if he cooked in Arcsoft. Tip: to get to WM default messaging in landscape just hit "All Messages" then open your keyboard.
i didn't knock it man!!!

the edit is because when i went to logoff twitter i saw nrgz updated a tweet while i was posting the first one in my post, so i thought i would be kind enough to add the rest of nrgz tweet,i didn't knock anything lol,check his twitter tab,its all there