Originally Posted by BrianBaker
i see our chef is going back to opera 9.7..Is there any way to get opera 10 and make it the default browser that opens up from sense?
There is a registry edit for that if it doesn't automatically register as the default.
HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Shell > Rai >

0 = Opera Browser
1 = "Path to opera" - i.e. "\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\Opera10-armv4i.exe"
2 = 1
3 = 0
Originally Posted by num5kull27
oh yes he has lol
VGA Sense 2.5 28005 and 21877 ROMs are being released. Beware, they contain Amarullz's "Classic Messaging" mod, to SMS the way we did in 2.1
half a minute ago from Digsby
however, it's not perfect and I hear it's not fully ported in landscape. So if you live by SMS in landscape... use the WM client.
1 minute ago from Digsby
Don't knock it till you try it. SMS/MMS all work out of the box, at least it will if he cooked in Arcsoft. Tip: to get to WM default messaging in landscape just hit "All Messages" then open your keyboard.