Re: First Touch Pro2 on MetroPCS!
ok so i got internet and weather working, youtube doesn't work, quick gps wont download.
here's some issues i ran into
this entry wasn't there, so i added it as a dword.
1a: Using a registry editor goto HKLM/SOFTWARE/Arcsoft/Arcsoft MMS/UA/Config/UI
Find EnableServerEdit and change it to "1"
the folder wspheader2 wasn't in there so i added it,
and added the 2 strings (using suggested task manager) but not sure what type they should have been, right now they both are REG_SZ
and the value date are the number and the number with the 1 before it
6: Using a Registry Editor edit the following values:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader2]
ADD STRING -> "X-metropcs-MDN"="XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number )
ADD STRING -> "X-DEVICE-MIN"="1XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number WITH the 1 in front of it )