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Old 12-02-2009, 07:59 PM
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Talking Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Technically it's fixed for sirius users too via select radio (XM too...) and there's also another free player siriuswm6 for sirius users... but I think we're all still praying for C-apisro as it was smooth and never had issues for most of us.

It wasn't that smooth. Scrolling was horrible on my TP2. It hung in memory when I closed it and I had to run a memory cleaner just to make sure it was "out".

If you have doubts you're welcome to try this: Fire up C-ApiSRO, then close it. Then run HTC addicts memory cleaner. Use the "customized processes list" option (right below lvl 3 fundamental purge). You will still see C-ApiSRO in the executing processes list. Look I'm not saying it didn't get the job done. It did. Hands down. It just wasn't the golden goose everyone said it was. I have 0 issues with that XP app exiting. And most of all: It works.

To sum up I'll quote Bones McCoy regarding this app: "It's dead Jim."

Incidently, I tried select radio. It's far from finger friendly and you have to provide your credit card then cancel your subscription to "unlock" it. At least the XM app does provide album art and while it's still far from perfect, I can certainly say he's on the right track. He'll need to add dynamic refreshing of channel line ups as Sirius XM changes it's stations so quickly. He will also need to deal with the channels "vanishing" when you use your finger to scroll. Yes major problems....but I didn't use my credit card. And it works.
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Last edited by rawintellect; 12-02-2009 at 08:04 PM.
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