Originally Posted by Cmuench
Thank you so much for posting the 28008 release. For some reason your builds play very well with M2D2. All the applications (Album Tab) and weather animations work on my i910! this build is fast, keep up the great work!
I did notice the lock CPR files are a little off (date is shifted), can you provide the stock CPR files from 28008?
Ahhhh. I only WISH it was the .cpr. The lock will take no customizing at all other than moving the regular files. No customize files at all. I tried and tried and tried and...
It's a reg hack...
HKLM-nls-overrids- all you have there was input by me...
Its forcing the regional clock to be on a dd/MM/yy xxx format. If you look at the images you'll see that other days are showing fine