Re: Do you think omnia 2 is losing its hype??
When the TP2 came out there was a huge runup in the forums with people waiting to get their hands on the phone. When it came out the excitement continued with people posting about ordering and waiting to receive their phones. When they arrived it just kept on going with people posting about their phones. When the Imagio was due to come out there was some of that but not near the amount as for the TP2. Now, the Omnia II is finally out and there just doesn't seem to be that high level of activity.
I think I've seen two or three posting about people actually buying this device. I think the topic of this thread is right on target. I don't think I'm the only one that got tired of waiting and just moved on.
Now that the phone is here it looks like a nice phone. Except for one post here it doesn't look like its enough to get people to switch out their phones for this one.
Its too bad because I think this phone isn't going to be the success that it could have been had it been more aggresively marketed and put on sale at least a month or two ago.