What a Telesales rep offered me on phone help
Well i have a 7 line family plan that shares 2500 minutes.Well with all the extra stuff i have for free on there pick 5 1st coming minute free we use about 2000 minutes only.Well i called today and the guy offered me a touch pro 2 and a new line of service on my already 7 line plan.
Now when i call up account services they say my plan can't have more lines.
But the telesales rep told me here is how it works.He says i buy a touch pro 2 from him and put it on the cheapest plan they have which is a everything 200 or something like that.
Then after i get the phone he gives me a number to call up and cancel the plan and move the new line with the touch pro 2 to my current 7 line plan.He said he asked a rep in some department and they they claim they will do it and ill just have to pay the 10$ per month for the added line to share and it will have all the extra stuff on it that my other phones have unlimited data free etc etc etc.
Anyway has anyone ever heard of this? i would hate to get the touch pro 2 and then go to change it and them to say different crap or try and charge me for the cheap plan for a month which he said i will not have to do.
I really do not need another line of service but this guy offered me the pro 2 and the line.Anyone that has done this or like it tell em what you think
Last edited by rdcrds; 12-02-2009 at 03:41 PM.