Originally Posted by gorocket1981
OK. Thanks for the info. I think I will try it tonight then. I am ready for something new. My old release is boring now.
I am also always looking for the best battery life and best speed that it is possible to have. Let me know when you have everything ready so I can setup a kitchen with all the new things like build 28008 and latest manila 2.5. If there is special instructions, I would appreciate. I am still learning a lot. If you do a great generic ROM with all that, maybe I will try it also.
Both are available. I build my roms generic but very light. I have all the sys/rom as well as manila files on my ftp site. There are some roms prebuilt and labled on there as well, just take you pick if you want to take 2.5 for a spin and not crank up the kitchen yet. PM me for a username password for my ftp site.
TMartin made a great kitchen i heard, he has it for download and its preassembled for 2.5..