Originally Posted by welrope
First question, yes. Latest cfc'd raw manila and latest 2.51921.
What is this landscape fix you speak of. Text, email and such work fine in landscape. Do you mean there is a landscape fix that makes 2.5 fully functional in landscape mode for all tabs? Point me to a link and i will take a look
OK. I heard that landscape mode was unusable with the new Manila which is for me a problem and this is the reason why I'm still with Manila 2.1 and build 23502 that works great. It is the best I got up to now.
I am excited to try a newer build. I heard good comments on series 28xxx and on build 23511. Still don't know which one is really better, if there is one, but I would like to have Manila 2.5 included in my new ROM but without landscape mode at all, I'm not sure I will survive. I need at least something that works.
I'm still new in this big world and I admit that because of that, I am easily lost. By searching in Google, I found 2 links related to Manila 2.5 in landscape. The screenshots are great.
If this could be included and working in a ROM/Kitchen, I would be very happpy. I don't know if others in the forum saw this and tried it already. Other comments on that are welcome.