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Old 12-15-2006, 08:03 AM
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It also lets you chat on Skype, Google Talk, ans well as Jabber. Their support has been top notch.

Originally Posted by wouldya
ah. i thought so.

Webmessenger is looking as a viable option. It, unlike IM+ like Jen said, displays user's away message (but not Idle messages).

It logs on very fast (less than 2 seconds from startup) and had both buddy sign on and IM sounds that play even when the wx is "off" (still dont know what to call it??? asleep? standing by? what???)

I have left it on while not using the WX and I have seen a drop in battery life, the battery will drop to around 40% after 8 or so hours. Because Webmessenger does ping the servers. I've been watching the EV arrows and for the most part they are "grayed out" and it's seeming to be they ping about twice a minute for 3 or 4 seconds.

There is no increase/decrease in ping frequency based on how many different IM services you are logged onto.
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