Originally Posted by cmajewsk
Neither passion nor good intentions equal results - especially in this case!
Since you understand what happened, enlighten us please...
i don't know details. only what they've told us. several of the members had personal issues and one had a personal tragedy - he lost a child. i have a child that has diabetes. i remember when he was first diagnosed in intensive care. i remember him calling me and saying "dad, guess what, i just gave myself my first shot". i had tears in my eyes. out of all the firsts in my son's life that i would be a part of, that was one i never expected to have with him.
i told you my personal story to tell you this. i have a very warm spot in my heart for that team member. and i know he's still having problems dealing with the loss of his child (as would anyone). it's easy for us to sit back and piss and moan that we're not getting what we were told we would and not bring into account that these guys have personal issues just like the rest of us. i think because they're called the "Elite Team", we tend to hold them more accoutable to things. but at the end of the day, they're all still human with human problems and situations. to be brutally honest, if i was to lose any of my children, i would be totally incapacitated for quite some time and anything that i was working on other than my family and my job would be put on hold.
i know i was one of the main piss and moaners. it just took me thinking about my own experience to give these guys a break.
clhatch - i know you guys have good intentions but please, let this go.