Originally Posted by MrGoodCat
dehx, great work!
however on my tp2 i am having quite a bit of lag. this is evident when swiping in any direction. after watching the youtube video of it i was just expecting a very smooth interface. so is this normal for the tp2? (running a cooked ssk 6.5 rom, 21872). i installed the netcf 3.5, soft reset, installed touchone 0.1.3a, soft reset, then it booted right into it. it will swipe about half way to next screen, lag maybe 0.5 to 1 second, then finish the swipe to the next screen. just flashed last night, so its a pretty bare rom, if anything has less on it than stock currently. and memory is hovering around 100mb free, with a 16mb pagepool cooked in
any ideas on how to speed this up?
other than that issue, i am lovin this ui. exactly what winmo needed!
ps - would cooking a rom without manila help at all?
I am running this flawlessly on my TP2, make sure in the Today settings that ONLY TouchOne is checked. Sometimes it gets somehow de-selected and TF3D is re-enabled with a TouchOne "mask" over it.
Its weird and I am trying to work with Dehx as to why it happens sometimes. Did you do a hard reset immediately after flashing to your new ROM to completely wipe all the left over data from your old ROM off? And it may not be it but its worth a shot. Go to
http://www.dehx.net/ and download the latest TouchOne.cab just to make sure its the most updated install.
I am currently working on some themes for TouchOne, hopefully I can cab some of them up in the next week or so and trying to get em out so you guys can have more than just the Hero homescreen.
If you cant get it working pm me and we can try and sort it out.