Wirelessly posted (Omnia1: Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; Windows CE; Opera Mobi/9.5; U; en) VZW:SCH-i910 PPC 240x400)
got it last night and it works great as long Im perfectly still. the blur you mentioned is not worse but its harder to hold still for just bigger non distant shots. ive played with it shooting stuff 100 yards vs non lense, 20 yards , and 3 yards . it adjusts on the barrel for focusing at different distances just like a monocular or binoculars.it has a tripod attachment,easily adjusts to where the camera lense is. heck i even hooked it onto an old digital camera that had no optical zoom and gave it new life.
well worth the $25 I spent. theres a youtube of it by another user but im on wap and dont remember the url.ill post back with the url next time im on my desktop. the guy took stills and videos with it. i cant wait until next time its sunny and im off to shoot some videos of my kids playing .