Originally Posted by jmorton10
My BT has always worked perfectly with my Motorola S-9 HD stereo BT headset. Listening to music, the forward & back controls etc. worked just fine.
Now, all of a sudden the forward & back controls have decided not to work anymore (only the volume works fine). It's not the end of the world, but I was wondering if anybody knows what might have changed to cause this & if there is an easy solution to the problem????
i had that problem on R2 and R3. the controls started working again after i uninstalled max manilla and did a soft reset, but that could just be coincidence. i have no idea why that program would affect bluetooth. controls work fine for me on R4. however, audio occasionally drops out (had this on R2 and R3 as well). i have to turn BT off and then back on again to get audio back.