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Old 12-01-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by DigitalAttic View Post
Did you try the cab suggestion I made? You could also use Agent Ransack to search the VK tree for files that contain the text you are looking for, and once found, edit or rename that file, flash and check results.
the cab would run at the same time as my xml so not sure if the outcome would be different, but i will try. im am not familiar with agent ransack but will check it out.
i actually figured out how to let windows explorer search inside of .provxml's, .dat's, .rgu's and .ini files and the setting is not being changed there. i used ceregedit to look in the default and user.hv files. in user.hv in the metadata folder it is set and "ring" script so i changed that but still didnt help. im left thinking it is a program that is changing it but have ruled out everything in the startup folder so im kinda at a loss. i found though that if i make a mortscript and place it in the startup menu and have this mortscript wait until second boot, ie reset after customizations, and then set the registry key all is well but i would rather figure this out than implement workarounds. grrrrrrrrrrrr

Last edited by DomSim; 12-01-2009 at 01:43 PM.
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