Originally Posted by freedomfighter
Please be nice. Yes I did use and know how to use the Search feature.
I have read every post in the thread at least once and I do have several questions.
I am using the 28005 27-Nov standard2.5lite rom.
When I go to the text messaging tab it wants to send it to the e-mail and not the # when I add a recipient. Do I need to install the Remove Picture Mail and Arcsoft.cab and install the Sprint Arcsoft MMS.Cab to fix it?
How do I use the animated weather to my home page animated wallpaper?
Looks like there is an option but it wants to look for the file. Where would be the files to point it to?
Looks like battery life goes down much quicker than the 22 Oct version.
.cabs are these at XDA mostly? I'm looking for the WiFi Router and other misc CABS
Thanks guys!!
NRG you are the Best!
Never heard of the first one. I've had the second problem. I just click it, exit album, check to see if it's there. If it's not, try again. It's worked better if I start on the home tab and go through Menu>Home Walpaper>Weather Walpaper. XDA is where most of the developers are, because there's a MUCH bigger user base, which is why most of the .cabs are over there. So if you don't already have one, get an account over there.
Here's a cab for wifi sharing in the commanager, if you want it that way, or just use Kirill's above if you're rather just have it as an app.