Originally Posted by mjhuffer
I figured it out it just took me a while. You guys have both been a help i've had this thing since the first day it came out i just now realized the options this thing has. Can't wait for a kitchen to come into place. Thank you for the tutorial this should probably be made into a sticky.
No problem! I dumped a good 2-3 days into this stuff before I got the big "ah ha" light bulb effect, then it all made sense and I felt like I could see the Matrix or something lol. And I woulda never made it were it not for the help of some of the other guys on here (shout out to thacounty, athlet1c,flipz, and freshlyill (Sorry if i missed anyone these dudes just immediately came to mind from my android infancy lol))
The root manager app really makes things a lot easier for me there are some great features on there. I use the reboot recovery all the time. I also use the regular reboot often because its a lot faster than turning off and then back on the old fashion way