Originally Posted by kpederson9999
Looking for some info, Are the non 6.5.x builds MUCH more stable then the ones with the Start on the bottom? I have been having an issue on both the m2.1 and the m2.5 ones with 6.5.x with the device locking up totally where I can't even get the screen to come on. All i get is a flashing green LED on top of the screen. I am currently on the Standard Leo rom just trying it out right now. I had this same issue with the Phoenix roms too. I am not ruling out a hardware issue at this time either. does anyone know which m2.1 build with 6.5.x is the most stablest? Thanks!
21xxx builds are always going to be more stable than the 23xxx/28xxx builds which are still in Beta. Manila 2.5 is also going to be LESS stable than Manila 2.1 builds for the same reason. Even NRG says in the first post of this thread, the 21xxx builds are going to be the most stable, the 23xxx/28xxx builds are going to have the coolest new features but won't be as stable. IMO the most stable new EnergyRom is going to be 21877 standard with Manila 2.1 (what I am using now).