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Old 11-30-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Originally Posted by WM_Geek View Post
Ok instead of dancing round and round with this bootloader issue, how about a link to a compatible and WORKING O/S Flash ROM that WORKS with v.1.04 bootloader on a XV6700 instead?

Is that possible?

After all let's not loose sight of the main objective we are all trying to achieve.

The objective is to "upgrade" to WM 6 (something or other) from WM 5.

Is that approach too simple?

So where are all the 100's of links to WORKING ROM files to flash the XV6700 to upgrade it from WM 5 - WM 6 instead of messing around with this unresolved bootloader conundrum?

Trust me, I have read 7 pages - still no practical answers to the actual " Error 150:ROM upgrade utility error " problem. One answer actually suggested you don't have to change your bootloader rom at all whatsoever !! (Although, he didn't say how to fix anything either with taking this approach either... So, no .. no practical answers or solutions found here.

Obviously files from this site like APAC_WM6_R0_Cricket.exe intended for an XV6700 with bootloader v.1.04 don't work without the idea of becoming a potential Microsoft corporation employee.

So may I ask, ...what flash ROM file does WORK to serve the intended purpose of upgrading without all the complicated technical bootloader roadblocks / issues involved?

...I'm talking plug and play flash upgrade from WM 5 to WM 6.? here... The way it's supposed to be.

I think at the end of the day, that's what everyone really wants as the actual "answer" to the problem...

I bet half the people posting in this thread are here looking for the same exact answer...

Any experts with solutions to actual working download file links for the purpose of upgrading to WM 6.something with our EXISTING bootloader versions so we dont have to deal with "Error 150:ROM upgrade utility error" issues?
Hey buddy do you not understand that when you go to flash in BuildOS you need to select the bootloader version your machine is using? If this is set wrong like most of you "bricked" monkeys you'll bitch it because the partitioning is different IE different sized partitions!

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