Originally Posted by ruckstande
I still think it is too much. One slip of the finger in the wrong place and they are lost. The cube would most definitely confuse them. That would have to go altogether.
Well, you can certainly disable the cube, I removed mine. I would still do a clear storage/hard reset with the stock rom and disable all of the stuff on the Today screen. You could even disable htc home if you want and download and install a simple clock like Pocket Digital Clock that just shows the time and date. Then download and install S2U2 for the slide screen unlock. Then you could get simething like icontact or a contact/dialer app that is finger friendly for phone use. There are also some themes available that change the today screen to function like the iPhone so you can make the today screen black with icons for the apps you want. Just depends on what you want the Today Screen to look like.