Please forgive if someone else has touched on this - I ran a search but didn't see anything.
That said, I read an interesting post from 11/19
on wmexperts suggesting that if there is a hold-up on the Verizon Touch Pro 2 upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.5, it may be that Vzw is having trouble getting the Rhapsody To Go service to work on the upgraded device:
zcarman: I can tell you one major sticking point right now is that the builds for 6.5 are not working correctly with Rhapsody/VZW music service (the software doesn't recognize the device as something that can carry the Rhapsody to Go licenses) so even though VZW isn't saying it's a "RTG" capable phone, users that are already on the service will blow up if they can't get it working with the "update"...]
Of course, this is an interesting story, so I'm wondering if anyone else has heard something similar to corroborate it.