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Old 11-30-2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
Actually, thats not quite right either. From MSDN article found here ->

  • Cold boot files that will be processed by Configuration Manager only when the device is cold booted. The provisioning file name must have one of the following formats:
    mxipcold_<package name>_<version>.provxml
    mxip_<package name>_<version>.provxml
    where <package name> is the name of Image Update package.
    These files should contain settings that you intend to be applied only during cold boot.
  • Update files that will be processed by Configuration Manager both when the device is cold booted and, if their associated packages have been updated, during Image Update. The provisioning file name must have the following format:
    mxipupdate_<package name>_<version>.provxml
    All settings contained in these files will be reapplied whenever their associated packages are updated, regardless of whether they have or have not changed. Therefore, these files should only contain settings that you intend to be reapplied every time their packages are updated.
So mxipupdate applies on cold-boot and after an image update, which no carrier does. So for the sake of simplicity, they act the same for us either way.
Thanks for that link JooJoo: so it seems what it really comes down to is mxipupdate_ will ALWAYS overwrite mxip/cold_ on soft reset even if the OEM/EXT contents (other than the mxipupdate_*.provxml) remain unchanged, but changes to the mxipupdate_*.provxml file itself WILL be applied if changed and overwrite old mxip/cold_ settings.

A tad confusing on MS's part, but heck, that's MicroSpeak for ya

If my post helps you, please hit the "Thanks" button... it's free and I need the rep!

Last edited by DigitalAttic; 11-30-2009 at 05:56 PM.
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