Originally Posted by WarpedMedia
It definitely does not happen all the time, overnight I had no problems.
I've noticed a few other minor issues while using this build yesterday:
QuickGPS will not launch, google maps doesn't seem to be able to use GPS. I think these are related. I tried reinstalling quickGPS with a variety of cabs I found to no avail.
Calculator will not launch, I just installed a third party program, no big deal.
Youtube would also not launch, I installed the client from google and replaced the shortcut. Easy fix.
When I installed codon's wifi sharing app, the shortcut would not show up anywhere in the start menu. Manually created the link (program in /windows) no big deal.
Overall the 2800x build seems significantly faster than previous and aside from not coming back with the screen off, everything is really smooth and stable. The quickGPS / GPS not working is the only major gripe at this point.
I'll keep updating with anything I can find to help out, this ROM is by far my favorite.
Out of curiosity, is ResProxy disabled on this ROM? I've heard that if ResProxy is disabled at the kitchen level (not just setting cache size to zero) then QuickGPS and calculator, among other things, will not work.