Originally Posted by drdrewdown
"SIM CARD MISSING" on the new amarullz messenging deal. i really luv that new setup & this rom seems to be super amazing fast. never quite experienced a 2.5 rom with this quickness. wonder if its a regedit i need to do to fix that sms problem.
edit: after searching the xda thread i'm attempting this:
; Reg To Disable Messaging Client in Manila
"Manila://PeopleDetail\\peopleMessage.page.hidden"=dword:000 00002
"Manila://PeopleDetail\\peopleMessageClassic.page.hidden"=dw ord:00000000
"Manila://PeopleDetail_SIM\\peopleMessage.page.hidden"=dword :00000002
"Manila://PeopleDetail_SIM\\peopleMessageClassic.page.hidden "=dword:00000000
; Tweaks Max SMS Per Page:
; Reg for GSM
; Reg for CDMA
; "People.Message.IsCDMA"=dword:00000001
& it seems to be a success. so anyone who gets this error. just use a registry editor & change the 0 to a 1 =]
im kinda dumb with reg edit.
can u please guide me through how to get to the right value that has to be changed?