Originally Posted by mswlogo
Hate to clue you, but every Window Mobile Phone has active sync issues.
Ever since I finally switched to Exchange life has been so much simpler.
I believe there are free services that give Exchange behavior now.
I also can guarantee your lag is not your phone either.
Couple 100 ft lag is too much (but normal at say 70mph). Out of the box (or Hard Reset) try Google Maps. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING. Except "Use GPS" in google maps. If Google Maps (set to default) works your phone GPS is fine.
Ive never had a phone that had active sync issues, so I have to disagree with you there. jjday, sounds like you may have a bad charge/data port. My first Sprint TP had a bad pin on the data side, so it would never be recognized when plugged into a pc. It definately sounds like you have some hardware probs in that connector.
You need to do some searching mswlogo, there is TONS of threads, posts, articles you name it dealing with the laggy GPS on the Touch Pro's (and the TP2 since they are essentially the same phone internally). Theres hundreds and hundreds of pages of threads over at XDA concerning the lag, and there have even been several mods and new drivers created in an effort to reduce the lag. I find it hard to believe that each and every one of those folks had a simple "misconfiguration" (especially the ones that developed the code for a new gps driver). If you would like, I can post all those threads to make it easy for you to do some research.