Originally Posted by jjday7
I have a problem with my gps too. I have been testing it for the last couple of days and it seems that it is always behind by a couple hundred feet. when i am passing intersections, I notice that there is a 5 second delay onscreen. I also notice a lot of re-routing even when I am on path. I am getting my phone replaced today due to dead pixels and active sysnc issues, so I will have to test my new one to see if there is any difference.
Hate to clue you, but every Window Mobile Phone has active sync issues.
Ever since I finally switched to Exchange life has been so much simpler.
I believe there are free services that give Exchange behavior now.
I also can guarantee your lag is not your phone either.
Couple 100 ft lag is too much (but normal at say 70mph). Out of the box (or Hard Reset) try Google Maps. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING. Except "Use GPS" in google maps. If Google Maps (set to default) works your phone GPS is fine.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.