Originally Posted by jmh_vera
Sure nobody missed me but im back after a very long vacations!! jojo!!
I still have 25th october version and looks like new updates are avaible. There are 2 versions that im interested in:
EnergyROM_28005_VICTOR_27.Nov.2009_Standard_LITE.r ar
EnergyROM_21877_VICTOR_27.Nov.2009_Standard_LITE.r ar
which of those versions you think is better? (stable, fast,etc)
best regards!
21877 is gonna be the fastest/most stable, and it's WM 6.5
28005 is still pretty fast and stable, just not so much as 21877. It is, however, WM 6.5.X
So really, it mostly just boils down to whether or not you like the newer, finger-friendly, bottom start bar or not.