Originally Posted by rstoyguy
Version Sense v5.02
- Add Custom LockScreen...done.
- Change to Tachi Dialer...done.
- Tweaked InterNet Push Settings...done.
- Tweaked 20 ShortCuts a little...done.
- Switched to Sprint_Arcsoft_MMS_5_0_82_79...done.
- Added Finger Keyboard no Arrows...done.
- Added Generic Carrier version. "S" is Sprint, "G" is Generic...done.
11/28 added the above and is the difference, ChangeLog, post #2.
Googlefish: Tempermental, and slow to start...
I'll try your Sunny and background4all and see how they work out. Got that keyboard too that I can borrow? 
sure thing friend and yet another plus 1 on your work i been knee deep in this rom all day lol, very fast and stable

also the fix clock flip i posted on post # 76 works great for 2.5 sense as well