Whenever you reboot, activesync will change KeepAlive back to 1. So in addition to:
1. Kill the repllog process in the task manager.
2. Disable the Repllog Notification (Apprunaftertimechange) in the Notification Window.(recommmend fdc taskmanager for this)
locate value "Keep Alive" change this to "0" for disabled. 1 will keep it alive with the remote h settings.
You will need to..
4. Use
fdcsoft's registry editor to tap and hold "KeepAlive" and select "
Export..." (or chose from file menu) This will export this one value to a .reg file. Put this file in your \\Windows\StartUp folder. Now if you don't already have a program to "run" .reg files, you need to associate TaskMgr with them.
5. Using Total Commander, tap and hold your .reg file and select "
Properties". Select "Associate" tab. Tap gray box that says "
Associate..." In "Command" box, reference the location of TaskMgr.exe (ex. \Program Files\FdcSoft\TaskMgr\TaskMgr.exe) In "Parameter" box, leave the "%1" and add "/silent" (%1/silent) This keeps a dialoge box from popping up.
6. "OK" the changes and enjoy!
Now when windows starts it will "run" the .reg file and change the 1 back to 0.
Now it's solved.