Originally Posted by gator2k83
i have all my tones on my sd card in \my documents\my ringtones\ i set ringers for each contact and save my contacts, call logs, texts, and appointments with pimbackup ... once i restore all my custom tones for each contact work bc the ringers are in the same place as i chose them while setting up my contacts.
I tried PIMBackup, but after restoring and then syncing with Outlook, I got so many duplicates. I've also heard problems with duplicate SMS messages going out when using PIMBackup, so I've given up on that one personally.
I have started using Sashimi again and have it down to a fine art. After a hard reset, everything is put back where it belongs including registry fixes, shortcuts, ring tones and applications. It only takes me about five minutes to fix a few minor things after that reset. I'd have registry fixes for those if I could find them. Juicy uses the Canada Region and I always have to change that to US manually. There are a few other nice tweaks that I prefer which can be done in minutes.
I have a backup folder on my SD card which contains my shortcuts and rings. Sashimi restores those back faster than I can do them manually.
I did try the XDA UC, but it hangs on two of the apps I always install. So it was useless for me.