Re: How is your battery life??
Coming back from Vegas to Southern California on friday, I started with the phone fully charged. I had the following apps running:
1) IM+
2) Email
3) The Weather Channel
4) Maps - Navigation was running with the regular maps layer, and the traffic layer.
5) Whatever other standard services are running in the background...
After just about 4 hours, the phone was down to about 15%. That's when I plugged in the car charger.
As a comparison, with my EnV Touch and the extended battery, I could go about 4 hours with just VZ Navigator running the whole time.
I don't expect much more from the standard battery for the droid than this, given the state of batteries today.
PS: The weather channel app was cool. it was constantly looking at my current location (apparently), cuz it would pop up weather advisories for the area I was in. Now if it anticipated my future location based on my direction of travel and gave me advisories a little before I got there, that would have been really impressive.
- Joe
Last edited by mihalich; 11-29-2009 at 11:37 AM.