Originally Posted by Nazgul07
Yeah Carrier folder is what I put it in. . . as for the difference in builds, the only thing I know really is that the 28002+ is 6.5.3 and not 6.5.1, the only real difference is in the background. As for 23506 and 28002 being the only ones that boot, I can only say that they are more stable, being of older origin. (this is all just my opinion). I personally am running 28004 with Jmz provisioning on my Alltel TP.
Perhaps since your Verizon TP has less memory than my Alltel TP, it strains the system to use the newer builds. They may not be effective at utilizing a small page pool.
Also, flash dancing may be appropriate, I am not sure as to the validity of how it helps, but supposedly it helps clear the storage of any ghosts in the system which may cause freak bugs. Doesn't hurt to try.
I dont know about the newer builds causing issue with VZW, I think it is all in OEMDRIVERS and carrier package. My OEMDRIVERS are from the latest SPRINT rom.
Originally Posted by jdm627
Tonigth kitchen Manila Tweaks 2.1 it's emty!!!!
Some thing it's wrong with this kitchen?
the manila 2.1 tweaks are in manila_files_2.1, since there are so few files for 2.1
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
ok havent really been onin a while had life to do lol, but problem is there something i need to run the kitchen besides the kitchen.becuz it keeps saying the oem wince nls is not there but it is. now wold that be cuz my winrar trial is over?
make sure wince.nlsd andits DSM are in OEM under WinCE_NLS. winrar trials never end officially. They just say "I am expired, but would you liek to keep using me? Oh, ok then.. I gues I'll ask again tomorrow.."
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
all i can do is run the kitchen how rz has it which is cool but i cannt cook anything. and i see you guys been hard at work good job
you need to delete any _skip files you have in the packages you are adding.
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
also to get the 2.5 in tonights kitchen can i take all the 2.1 stuff out and put the 2.5 in and run your kitchen as is. becuz for some reason it wont let me cook
just replace the manila things with the 2.5 stuff in unused.
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
will that didnt work just switching out the 2.1 files for 2.5 and with out opening the kitchen didnt think it would but now i know
That IS all you need to do. Did you figure out your wince.nls issue?
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
also on program buttons there is nothing there to assign. i was trying to assign voice command and the alarm not working in the settings clock & alarms
I just set my alarm and will see if goes off. I am using the 23511 manila 2.5 ROM from the ROM thread. (decided to split rom and kitchen) Alarm went off fine. to assign buttons go to settings>system>keyboard config