I asked over at XDA but didn't get any responses, so... I figure I'll ask here as well. Does anyone know how to edit the /default.prop file so that "adb remount" will work? I know you have to change one line in the file from ro.secure=1 to ro.secure=0. I've tried editing it several ways, and each time the file reverts to the original "ro.secure=1" one.
Tonight, I thought to try again and found this site:
adb pull /default.prop .
(Edit it on your real machine)
adb push ./default.prop /sdcard
adb shell . . . su root
mount -t rootfs -o remount,rw rootfs /
dd if=/default.prop of=/default.prop.orig
dd if=/sdcard/default.prop of=/default.prop
mount -t rootfs -o remount,ro rootfs /
Reboot the phone.
The commands worked, but it didn't stick after reboot either.
I know that if I install the MoDaCo ROM (and probably others), this setting will be there by default, but I was hoping to do it on my own...manually.
Any ideas?