Good to know, good to know-oh wait I DID know considering I Thanked you for it back when you posted it

Guess I gotta up my dosage of if I can just remember where I put it....
Here ya go, vernonlbrown turned me on to this, he said it did improve things a bit, havent run it myself yet;
Attachment 50244
I THINK so but I'm not sure

Can anyone else help us out?
I ran the MMS removal cab, soft reset, Arcsoft cab 5.2xxxxx, soft reset.
I can Send/Recieve from Sense. I just cant VIEW in Sense. Need to go to MS Messager to view it. Either put a quick link on the Home tab to MS Mess for easy access or try to open the pic within the Messaging Tab, hit Menu, All Messages and THAT will take you to the MS Messanger program.
I say "try to open" because sometimes Sense wont open the pic and sometimes it will but you dont see an image.
Hope that helps.
The uninstall cab as well as multiple versions of Arcsoft are in the threads attached files-linked in my sig.
EDIT2: Merry Christmas

(Removal cab)