Hey there,
First of all I would just like to say this site and its developers rocks. Really. Your work is appreciated very much.
I need someone to tell me how to start the ROM installation process.
I have Verizon Wireless XV6900. This phone was never modified in any way except for installing SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 on it. It has WinMo 6.1 installed, off course.
Now what I would like to do is to install Windows Mobile 6.5.3 (sys 23506_V4) on it, using this ROM:
Here's what I do know about installing this ROM:
- I will need to uninstall SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 (Not a problem for me)
- I will need to unlock my phone using this unlocker: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20370
- I will not be able to make any kind of communications except for making calls, UNLESS if I will install my carrier's CAB for DATA.
- I will need to do a backup to my phone (already did)
I would really appreciate it if someone will explain me the steps to installing this ROM. What I need to start with to what is the final step.
Thanks in advance & keep up the great work here