Originally Posted by kcaegis45
I agree. There is a SPRINT B(SN)ITCH on these forums.
It seems that they zapped this work around also(cab and cache)
FYI, they have not "Zapped" this "Hack", it never worked properly to begin with as its a bandaid attempt to make it work. They are attempting to filter hardware at the server level using the authentication info handed over when the app fires up. This was thoroughly discussed in the other closed thread. I think we all appreciate the "never give up" spirit on this, but we all need to be patient until they make it officially available.
It has been communicated to me that Mogul as well as other handsets will see TV with a future ROM update. Sprint is not trying to "screw" anybody here, the STV service still has some issues they want to work out prior to release so that users get the best possible experience.